
Committee The United Nations General Assembly

unga One was a Washington figure known across the country from rough-and-tumble talk shows, who called her husband as the terrifying events unfolded in the sky.

Another, a pilot whose plane ploughed into the World Trade Centre, was known for amiability in his placid Massachusetts community, where he was planning a picnic with his family this weekend.

These are two of the many such fragments of lives interrupted by the fateful events of September 11, 2001, of the men and women who were on board the four planes at the centre of the day’s catastrophic events.

The horror itself had arrived in episodic bursts of chilling disbelief, signified first by trembling floors, sharp eruptions and then by cracked windows. There was the actual unfathomable realization of a gaping, flaming hole in first one of the tall towers, and then the same thing all over again in its twin.

Over a matter of hours, the mighty towers which were once a symbol of globalization and America’s economic power and prosperity, were reduced to nothing. These attacks proved that the very symbol of the nation’s security — the Pentagon — was not, in fact, impenetrable. Dense plumes of smoke race through the downtown avenues, coursing between the buildings, shaped like tornadoes on their sides.

Every sound is a cause for alarm. People scramble for their lives, but they don't know where to go. Should they go north, south, east, west? Stay outside, go indoors? It is during this period of chaos that the globe must step-up and unite to fight this adversity.

These acts shattered steel, but will they accomplish in denting the steel of our resolve? Like a tower rising from the ashes, will the collective determination of the global community stand tall, in the aftermath of these harrowing acts? The security of the nation may be made rigid, but will the perpetrator, enveloped in dread, be brought before those whose lives were mangled as a result of these terrible deeds? Only time shall ungird.

This crisis has already redefined international security threats and will eventually alter global political dynamism itself. As the United Nations General Assembly convenes for its 56th session, a mere four miles from ‘ground zero’, it will play a pivotal role in paving down a path to tackle this situation of destruction. Amidst the plethora of scepticism, incredulity and the helpless mourns of the people near the runway of the enemy, the member nations shall meet to travel to the roots of this crisis. In its very essence, the committee will aim to be deliberative, policy-focused, reliant on paperwork and a representative core of the UN as a whole, with delegates coming together to face this threat in the shape of a looming hydra on the global forum for once and for all.


I am honoured to welcome you to the United Nations General Assembly, at the 13th edition of JacoMUN.

The events surrounding September 11th have left an indelible mark on the collective global consciousness. That tragic day in the United States has unfolded a complex tapestry of history, interweaving themes of terrorism, international security, intelligence operations, religious extremism, geopolitical dynamics, and societal transformation. While many are familiar with the harrowing accounts of 9/11 through media portrayals or documentaries, the depth and magnitude of its impact warrant a closer investigation.

Delegates must comprehend that a select group of individuals fuelled the motivations behind the events of 9/11. Each one of you is intricately connected to this core, embodying the responsibility akin to a 'key player' in ensuring the safety of your own nation. Your personal aspirations are inextricably entwined with the broader objective of protecting your homeland, where your roots, family, future, and very existence are placed in jeopardy.

Although this description may make the committee seem frightening, the intention is different –To cultivate a deeper understanding of a pivotal point in modern history, and to understand the constraints within which even the most powerful men and women had to operate.

A delegate in this committee must exhibit astuteness and strategic acumen, coupled with a profound comprehension of the geopolitical landscape of the globe its context at large. Such proficiency will be essential for thriving in this committee, where intricate knowledge of regional dynamics and international relations will be paramount.

On a final note, a little about myself: I graduated from St. James' School, Kolkata, this year, and eagerly waiting to start college. I particularly enjoy computer science and mathematics and will be pursuing them in the future. In my free time I am usually reading contentiously nuanced literature, ranting about Manchester City’s underwhelming performance in Europe (this is our year), or traversing through my playlist which goes all the way from Paganini to Katy Perry. Additionally, I am a huge history buff; events such as –the Roman civil wars, the Napoleonic Wars, and the Greek Sacred wars among many others have always fascinated me. Also, Star Wars references, cat memes, stickers, etc. are sure to help score some brownie points!

Model UN has been an amazing journey for me. From hardly being able to speak for three entire days at my first MUN in the eighth grade, to getting to chair an exciting and dynamic (please do not let me down) committee. I believe Model UN showcases the value of thoughtfulness and collaboration, the most successful delegates are those who can recognize mutual areas of interest and develop solutions to critical issues that leave the country (or world) better off. While I expect debates and profound disagreements to arise, I also hope you bring this spirit of collaboration to the conference!

Looking forward to seeing everyone in July! In the meanwhile, please, feel free to contact me about any questions regarding this committee, or JacoMUN in general (unga.jacomun23@gmail.com) until then,

May the force be with you,
Pratham Madhogaria,
The United Nations General Assembly.