
Committee The Ad-Hoc Meeting of the Politburo of the People's Republic of China, 2024

pprc The great wall called China- resilient, brutal, and ruthless spearheads the revolution in technological and military advancements, and seems to the rest of the world, unshakeable and self-reliant. Unfortunately, the world still takes China at face value, when it is crippled with economic crises bestowed upon it by other nations, is incapacitated by its own provinces, and has its topmost government riddled with betrayal and lies.

The year is 2024. The brutality of a pandemic has been successfully battled with, which means the countries of the world are back to their game of ploy and deceit to further their personal interests. In the crossfire, China has become the West’s perfect target- for it not only feels threatened but also envious of it. This belligerence against China brings back to the surface, the age-old issue of Taipei, or what the rest of the world calls ‘Taiwan’. The South China Sea is no a stranger to alarming encounters. The podium of intergovernmental peace has also been disrupted by stern calls for unity against supposed human rights violations in Xinjiang.

The situation is dire, and it begs a question that needs to be answered immediately, for how long will China accept what others force it to do. More importantly for how long, will it remain to be a blank book, the rest of the world oblivious to the gears in its governing machinery. The Politburo of the CCP struggles with the anti-Chinese sentiment abroad- and the claims of its reducing glory. At the same time, it doesn't intend to take foreign involvement into its matters lightly. This committee must ascertain which is more important to it - appeasement to improve its foreign relations, or strength to fight back and take what is rightfully its own.

Because, no matter what, China can remain a blank book no more and it is the task of the Politburo- the Chinese arena of appearances to make sure China doesn't fall back into the sidelines amidst increasingly hostile enemies and allies alike.


Greetings delegates,

It is an absolute honor for us to welcome you to the 13th edition of JacoMUN 2023, and to this very special committee, the Ad-Hoc meeting of the Politburo of the People's Republic of China, 2024.

It has been a few years since the world experienced the deadliest pandemic in human history. But a pandemic did not stop nations to partake in the race towards the top. What others call disaster, is often, an opportunity- and rest assured, the most powerful men sitting atop the most powerful chairs in governments have taken every opportunity with both hands. In changing global geopolitics and shifting worldly dynamics, Asia, commandeered by China, stands to claim its place on the throne of glory. Its enemies, however, stand as strong as ever. The eternal belligerence and sheer hypocrisy of the West continues to strike blows to China’s glory and image. Skirmishes and stand-offs across the world, be it the South China Sea, the various landmasses surrounding China, or its own parts that defy it, are as frequent as the passing of the seasons.

This is Raunak Seksaria, and I will be presiding over the three days of committee. Just a brief introduction about myself, I am a pass-out student of St James’ of the batch of 2023. Firstly, my love for binge watching TV series is unparalleled. If there is any Suits, How I Met your Mother, Friends, or House of Cards references, you are already in my good books. My other hobbies include playing the keyboard, playing chess, and listening to music of each and every genre that exists, from classical instrumental and opera songs to 70s rock, from 50s jazz to 00’s soul. Apart from that, my true interests lie in my love for technology and a similar love for technicalities. If you ever want to discuss tech, just give me a call, and you are in for a treat. I partake in all sorts of public speaking- debate, elocution, and especially MUNs. I did my first MUN right in class 7, and have been in the circuit ever since. Feel free to approach me, if you need help regarding anything in committee.

This is Avinash Rai and I will be your Chairperson alongside Raunak for the three days of committee. A student of Class 12, I have an avid interest in acting, theatre and drama. I have played lead roles in many movies, advertisements and theatre productions. I have also had the opportunity to work with stalwarts like Koushik Sen, Shantilal Mukherjee and others. I personally go by the understanding that science, education and knowledge is what sustains life, but art, poetry and beauty is what we stay alive for!

I believe in being a jack of all trades and a little master in some as well. Apart from the stage, I am an avid orator and truly relish my time whenever I'm in any Debates, Elocutions or Public Speaking events (and this might be the doing of Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro and J Sai Deepak).

Besides such acitivities, I enjoy playing cricket, football, basketball, swimming, hockey, singing and dancing. I have a particular interest in economics and any/all theories and aspect revolving around the subject!

MUNing has been a crucial part of my life for a long time now, and I admire playing the roles of world leaders (after all, I love acting.). I take pride in calling myself a part-time war strategist and love new ways and tactics of toppling great armies! If a committee resembles to be a war cabinet in any way whatsoever, that is the committee I go to without a shred of doubt. This year's JacoMUN, like any other year's, is the closest to my heart and I wish the same feeling is spread to you all as well.

Delegates of the Politburo, it is upon you to decide the fate of this great country. It is upon you not just to look after the nation’s interests, but also to fulfil your personal ambitions. It is upon you to unite against the world in achieving the common cause, if at all the cause is common to all. You will be challenged with very dynamic updates, and you can be expected to be on your toes throughout. Quick decisions, common sense, and the ability to solve the problem at hand will get you very far in this committee. Looking forward to a fun and exciting three days of committee. Feel free to contact us at pprc.jacomun23@gmail.com

Raunak Seksaria and Avinash Rai,
The Ad- Hoc Meeting of the Politburo of the Peoples’ Republic of China, 2024.
Chairperson and Under- Secretary General for Administration,