
Address by Secretary General

What would you do if you were given the opportunity to take up cudgels against the global war and terror? What would you do, if you were given the opportunity to curate the financial policies amidst the 2008 crisis? What would you do, if you were in the shoes of those political leaders in 1947- that decided the fate of 1 billion people?

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to JacoMUN’2023. JacoMUN’2023 provides delegates from all across the country, a wide array of agendas that deal with the issues of the past, the present, as well as the near future. We cannot build the future for the youth, but we can always build the youth for the future, and this very idea is the spirit and the nucleus of JacoMUN’2023. We give delegates the power to bring about change. We give them the power to envision a world that is good in their eyes, and we give them the power to create impact, and that is why JacoMUN’2023 is special.

With that, I- as the Secretary General of JacoMUN’2023 invite all the delegates, the faculty members and the schools to the 13th edition of the St. James’ School Model United Nations.

Pro Orbis, Et Pro Patria- For the Earth, and for our country.

Until July,
Tanay Jain
Secretary General,